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Physical Activity

The 2014-2019 CHIP revealed 42.7% of Portsmouth adults were physically inactive and that obesity was a significant program, with 40% of adults reporting obesity (higher than the state percentage at 26.4%). 

Recent Work by Healthy Portsmouth: Strategies to increase physical activity and decrease obesity rates have included environmental changes (playgrounds, walking paths) and community-wide events. Portsmouth's annual "Day of Play" is a series of events in which people of all ages could have fun exercising while enjoying healthy snacks and winning prizes. 


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The graph to the left shows the percentage of self-reported diabetes from adults living in Portsmouth via the CDC's National Health Interview Survey. Healthy Portsmouth's 2017 CASPER survey revealed 21% of household respondents within Portsmouth reported having been diagnosed with diabetes, which indicated the burden of disease may have been greater than those represented in CDC estimates.

Recent Work by Healthy Portsmouth: The Diabetes Prevention Project was operated by the YMCA of Portsmouth. Eastern Virginia Medical School led post-program focus groups with some participants to identify actionable themes. Many respondents gave positive reviews about their experience, reporting the class was enjoyable and beneficial in their lives. 

“I learned a lot about eating, how to choose foods, and how much to eat at one time. They taught me self-control when it comes to eating. We had a chance to meet lots of different people, get their ideas and focus on improving health... I would walk to the classes and sometimes I’d catch the bus so transportation and long-term programming would be nice additions for future programming. I want to start going again. Since the program ended, I’ve been working out at home and eating smaller meals. ”
-Portsmouth Resident, male, age 57

Healthy Eating

Healthy Portsmouth supports the "Healthy Eating" Priority Area by increasing access to healthy foods and beverages and promoting healthy eating within our community. 

Recent Work by Healthy Portsmouth: Funded through a grant from the Virginia Department of Health, the Healthy Portsmouth coalition oversaw the development of the area's first "Edible Park" through a collaboration with the Portsmouth Health Department and Elizabeth River Project/ Paradise Creek Nature Park. An edible park is a space that contains flowers, herbs, seeds, berries and plants that passersby can eat as they move through the park. The coalition has additionally assisted with renovations and the expansion of Cradock's community garden. 


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Change in methodology for 2018:
Due to methodological changes made in 2020, 2018 data should not be compared to previous time periods.
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Tobacco Use

Tobacco use, associated with multiple poor health risks, is a modifiable risk factors of adverse health outcomes. Strategies to reduce the levels of smoking in Portsmouth have included 

Recent Work by Healthy Portsmouth: During the 2014-2019 CHIP period, Healthy Portsmouth established relationships with the Portsmouth Libraries, local businesses, and local health agencies. A WHRO mass media campaign for "Healthy Hampton Roads" supported the move towards increased smoke-free public housing and Portsmouth Libraries posted tobacco-free signage in addition to creating the Health & Wellness Information Center. 


Mental Health Literacy

The objectives in this priority area focus on bringing mental health education to various subsections of the Portsmouth community.  

Recent Work by Healthy Portsmouth: Healthy Portsmouth distributed resources via city mailings, hosted an Animal Shelter Awareness event, and collaborated with Behavioral Health Services and Bon Secours to hold Mental Health First Aid trainings.


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Meeting Minutes

Community Health Assessment & Community Health Improvement Plan

Community Health Survey

Greater Hampton Roads